Deborah Healey's Attic - Other


Personal information


    • TESOL Technology Standards - free version of the standards framework document. Also see TESOL technology standards: Description, implementation, integration. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), a book with extended information, including examples, can-do tables for self and institutional evaluation, information about research, and much more.

    • Opp-Beckman, L., Yaghi, R., Healey, D., Hochstein, D.G., et al. (2011). Women teaching women English. Beirut, Lebanon: U.S. Embassy Beirut, Public Affairs Section. This is a free textbook for beginning level learners, originally designed for Lebanon.

    • Trace Effects, a video game from the US Department of State; Deborah was on the design team. If you are outside the US, contact your local US Embassy or Regional English Language Office for a copy of the CD/DVD version. In the US, contact Deborah.