October 26, 1:00-2:30
Deborah Healey
English Language Institute, Oregon State University
Eisen-ELI website: www.oregonstate.edu/dept/eli/eisen-eli/
The ELI has just finished a year of an Eisenhower grant where we worked with elementary and middle school teachers with English language learners in their classes, ESOL specialists, and bilingual assistants. One part of the grant was about technology tools that could help teachers, specialists, and assistants better meet the needs of ESL children, especially those in mainstream math and science classes. This presentation will show some of the websites and software that the teachers we worked with felt would be helpful to them and their ESL students. We will also discuss how these sites and tools can be incorporated effectively into the classroom and show some sample lesson plans. Participants will be encouraged to work in pairs and small groups to think about and share with each other some ways they might use these sites and tools.
Deborah's resume and bio
Core instruction
Provide background information
Add 1st language support
Offer variety and the use of multiple media
Encourage student (and teacher) creativity
Randall's Cyber ESL Listening Lab
Specific grammar quizzesAltavista's BabelFishCore instruction
KidsClick! search engine
Hot Potatoes and Quia authoring - teacher and student
Nicenet online discussionInstant Poetry and Haiku
Focus on Grammar
Keypals for writing and group projects
Software - freeware and shareware
Commercial software