If you have e-mail, helpful suggestions from other teachers can be
just a message away. You can subscribe to a "mailing list" of those in
your field and read several messages a day on items of interest. If you
have a question, you can post a message to the whole group at once. It's
a good idea to read the messages for a few days so that you can get a
feel for the topics of interest to the group, as well as the group's
level of expertise.
Here are a few addresses for mailing lists
of interest to ESL/EFL and foreign language teachers. To subscribe, just
send a message to the appropriate address below. In the body of the
message, put
SUBSCRIBE {listname} {your first name}
{your last name}
For example, if
Jane Doe wanted to join TESL-L, her message would be:
Mailing lists
- BRAS-NET: Brazilian students network (in Portuguese)
- Send a message to LISTSERV@cs.columbia.edu
- Say SUB BRAS-NET {your first name} {your last name}
- CAUSERIE: French discussion group (in French)
- Send a message to LISTSERV@uquebec.ca
- Say SUB CAUSERIE {your first name} {your last name}
- FLTEACH: Discussion
list for high school and college foreign language teachers
- Send a message to LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
- Say SUB FLTEACH {your first name} {your last name}
- FRENCHTALK: Discussion group in French
- Send a message to LISTPROC@cren.org
- Say SUBSCRIBE FRENCHTALK {your first name} {your last name}
- INTER-L: Set up by NAFSA: Association of International Educators for
those who deal with international students in the US and American
students in study abroad programs. Good information on visa issues.
- Send a message to listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu
- SAY sub INTER-L {your first name} {your last name}
- LANGIT: Discussione Centri Linguistic
Italiani (in Italian)
- Send a message to LISTSERV@iceuncc.unive.it
- Say SUB LANGIT {your first name} {your last name}
- LLTI: Language Learning and Technology
International Information Forum--for ESL, EFL, and foreign language
- Send a message to LISTSERV@dartcms1.dartmouth.edu
- Say SUB LLTI {your first name} {your last name}
- LTEST-L: Language Testing Research and Practice
- Send a message to LISTSERV@psuvm.psu.edu
- Say SUB LTEST-L {your first name} {your last name}
- MEXICO-L: News and discussion of Mexican issues
(Spanish and English)
- Send a message to LISTSERV@tecmtyvm.mty.itesm.mx
- Say SUB MEXICO-L {your first name} {your last name}
- NETEACH-L: for Internet-using language teachers
- Send a message to listserv@thecity.sfsu.edu
- SAY SUBSCRIBE NETEACH-L {your first name} {your last name}
- More information is online at
- NIHONGO: Japanese language list
- Send a message to LISTSERV@mitvma.mit.edu
- Say SUB NIHONGO {your first name} {your last name}
- RIBO-L: German/English discussion group
- Send a message to LISTSERV@uriacc.uri.edu
- Say SUB RIBO-L {your first name} {your last name}
- RUSSIAN: Russian language issues (in Russian and English)
- Send a
message to LISTSERV@asuacad.bitnet
- Say SUB RUSSIAN {your first name} {your last name}
- SLART-L: Second Language Acquisition Research and Teaching
- Send
a message to LISTSERV@cunyvm.cuny.edu
- Say SUB SLART-L {your first name} {your last name}
- TECH-ED: Set up by NAFSA for technology users in the area of
international education, primarily international student advisors and
study abroad directors
- Send a message to tech-ed-request@lists.best.com
- Say subscribe TECH-ED {your first name} {your last name} {your
Make sure the word 'subscribe' is in lowercase and that
you don't have a signature file at the end of your message for best
- TESL-L: For teachers of English as a second or foreign language
- Send a message to LISTSERV@cunyvm.cuny.edu
- Say SUB TESL-L {your first name} {your last name}
If you have questions, comments, or for more information,
contact Deborah Healey, dhealey AT uoregon DOT edu
updated 26 June, 2009