Webtools - From Static to Dynamic

Deborah Healey

English Language Institute, Oregon State University

Molding the Internet to Our Purposes

Some sites, from less interactive to more interactive

Links and More Links: general purpose pages

Creating Static Pages

Quizzes and More Quizzes

Students like workbook exercises -- but what do they get? Where is the context? What kind of feedback?

Which are more interactive? You be the judge.

Beyond Quizzing

So where's Internet interactivity?

Role of the Teacher

One-computer Classroom - a few possibilities

In the Lab

Integration into the Curriculum

Do pre-computer, on-computer, post-computer activities
Have a method for sharing finds and files to avoid reinventing the wheel

Constructivist Approach

Students create their own meaning from directed projects
Students are active and engaged
One-computer class or lab
From learning to acquisition - internalizing information
More about constructivism

A Sampling of Sites


Keep technology in its place -- the means, not the end!

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Last updated 12 December 2000.