Why call this an attic? An attic is a place where things
are stored, and where you can often find nifty things you
had forgotten about. Many of these pages have not been
updated with my move to the University of Oregon, and the
links are definitely untested. Think of it as an
Educators have my permission to use information from my
pages in their classroom teaching as long as my name and the
source URL remain on the pages. For other uses, please
contact me at dhealey dot uoregon dot edu.
Teacher training and related links
(see a longer list of teacher training links)
Gamification website (used in several presentations; see various PPT files and handouts there)
GloCALL 2023 resources page
Online resources for ELT games website
Research Trends in Online Language Teaching and Teacher Education (TESOL Convention 2021) - resource list
Teaching with Play: Games, Game-based Learning, and Gamification keynote for TESOL Virtual Convention 2020 - resource list
Reading and Writing in a Digital World - website and resource list (2020 China Daily Symposium: PPT in PDF form)
Remote and Hybrid Learning for English Language Learners - Illinois Bilingual Program Directors Meeting 2020 - PPT in PDF form; Suggested Resources for English Language Teaching
TESOL Technology Standards - free version of the standards framework document. Also see TESOL technology standards: Description, implementation, integration. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), a book with extended information, including examples, can-do tables for self and institutional evaluation, information about research, and much more.
Opp-Beckman, L., Yaghi, R., Healey, D., Hochstein, D.G., et al. (2011). Women teaching women English. Beirut, Lebanon: U.S. Embassy Beirut, Public Affairs Section. This is a free textbook for beginning level learners, originally designed for Lebanon.
Trace Effects, a video game from the US Department of State; Deborah was on the design team. If you are outside the US, contact your local US Embassy or Regional English Language Office for a copy of the CD/DVD version. In the US, check this page.
Reading, writing, and vocabulary suggestions
Listening, speaking, and pronunciation suggestions
Digital storytelling (used in several presentations; see various PPT files and handouts there)
Help with rubrics and other assessment tools
These are my courses where material is publicly available.
American English Institute/Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon (2008-2016)
Access Teacher Development Online Program (ATDOP) - improving listening and speaking skills and pedagogy for Access teachers from 8 countries. See the public website for the course.
Shaping the Way We Teach English - public access to the material is at https://blogs.uoregon.edu/aeiprojects/oelc/shaping/
English Language Institute, OSU (to 2008). Some links within these may no longer work.
ELI 157 pages - Advanced Grammar Through Writing
ELI S60 pages - University Reading and Writing
ELI162 pages - Advanced Reading and Writing
ELI 138 - Pronunciation links and 12-step pronunciation program
Links to Music info online from English through Music
Recent presentations
(see a full list of presentations on the presentations page and on the full CV)
2023 National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE, Costa Rica). Culturally-responsive Teaching with Technology by Design. Online. June.
CETE (Republic of Georgia) TESOL 2023. Change as Opportunity: What We've Learned. Online. May.
Africa ELTA Conference 2023. Creating a Project-based Learning OER from a Template (materials and resources); Growth in a Time of Change (featured speaker), Luanda, Angola, May.
IATEFL Conference 2023. Bring Your Syllabus and Let's Gamify Your Class! (see Gamification website). Harrowgate, England, April.
TESOL Conference 2023. A Simple Approach to Designing Digital Interactive Materials. Panel with H. Khamis, L. Phung, T. Nguyen. Portland, March.
TD Webinars. Digital Storytelling. (See Digital storytelling website). Online, October 2022.
CATESOL (California TESOL) Convention 2022. Designing Culturally-responsive Teaching with Technology. September.
JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Convention 2022. Culturally Responsive Teaching with Technology. Online, August.
EduLang. Gamification: Thinking Like a Game Designer. (see Gamification website). Online, August 2022.
Sookmyung University. Gamification for Elementary Students; What is Gamification and Why Should I Try It? (see Gamification website); Digital Storytelling. Online, August 2022.
Eduling.org. Gamification and Language Learning. (see Gamification website). Online, July 2022.
IATEFL Conference 2022. A Critical Look at Digital Technologies in Language Teaching. Panel with N. Isharyanti, H. Fawzi, H. Khamis, G. Gallardo. Belfast, May.
TESOL Tampico. Digital Storytelling to Build Language Skills Creatively. (See Digital storytelling website). Online, March 2022.
GloCALL Conference 2021. Digital Storytelling workshop (see information at Digital Storytelling site); Intelligent Use of Technology plenary (see information at Intelligent Use site). Online, December 2021.
Recent publications
(see a full list of publications on the publications page and on the full CV)
Healey, D. (2023). Culturally responsive universal design for learning. In Y. Sun & X. Xu (Eds.), The development of personal learning environments in higher education: Promoting culturally responsive teaching and learner autonomy. Routledge.
Healey, D. & Witbeck, M. (2023). Feet on the ground, head in the cloud. In M.A. Christison and F. Stoller (Eds.), English language program administration: Leadership and management in the 21st century. SpringerNature.
Healey, D. (2023). Foreword. In L. England, L. Kamhi-Stein, G. Kormpas (Eds.) English language teacher education in changing times. Routledge.
Healey, D. (2022). Contributor to Reflecting on leadership in language education. A. Curtis (Ed.), Equinox Publishing.
Healey, D. (2022). Telling our stories digitally. SPELT Quarterly, March.
Healey, D. (2022). TESOL technology standards. TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley.
Healey, D. (2022). Why use games and gamification in ELT? The English Connection, 26 (2), 15-18.
Healey, D. (2019). Gamification [white paper]. https://www.macmillanenglish.com/blog-resources/article/gamification
US Department of State. (2012). Trace Effects. Lead scriptwriter for this virtual reality computer game. Online version is available at https://americanenglish.state.gov
Healey, D. (2012). Podcast of an interview with Tim McBride about teachers and technology on LearnIT2Teach at https://learnit2teach.podomatic.com/entry/2012-04-30T11_46_38-07_00 and https://learnit2teach.podomatic.com/entry/2012-04-30T11_57_51-07_00
Healey, D. (2019). TESOL International Association at Africa TESOL. AfricaTESOL Newsletter, 5 (October).
Deborah's life and times (not very regularly updated, but you get an idea)
Deborah's vita in PDF format - full version and 2-page version