Teaching and Learning
in the Digital World

Interactive Web Pages - Welcome!

Deborah Healey, dhealey AT uoregon DOT edu

This was originally part of the 2000 Culpeper Workshop at the University of Puget Sound.

July 26th, 2000

July 27, 2000

9:00 Welcome and Touching Base


dotQuick introductory quiz
dotUseful mailing lists and how to incorporate them into class lessons 
dotOnline discussion with Nicenet (threaded board) and chat 
dotFinding teaching/learning resources online - searching and starting points
dotCreating lesson plans and related handouts (integrating text and graphics) 
dotCreating interactive web pages with University of Hawaii and Quia.com (hosted online) 
dotSome online references
9:00 Quick Review and Discussion


dotWhat's the point in creating web pages? Developing assessment criteria.
dot5-minute web pages with MS Word - ask why, not how
dotTurning Netscape bookmarks into web resource lists 
dotUsing other web pages, including Tech-Niques pages, as templates with Microsoft Front Page
dotCreating Action Mazes
dotCreating quizzes and crossword puzzles
dotCreating interactive web pages with Hot Potatoes (offline or online)
12:00 Lunch 12:00 Lunch
1:00 Discussion of projects and pedagogy 1:00 Discussion of each person's project: web pages plus rationale/ syllabus/ lesson plan
2:00 Break 2:00 Break
2:15 Project Work 2:15 Project work

Updated November 2, 2009 by Deborah Healey, dhealey AT uoregon DOT edu 
Copyright 2009, Deborah Healey